New Releases!!
Looking for rare footage and audio clips from Gehrig's retirement day? Want to hear stories from his teammates?
Want to know why Curt Schilling named his son Gehrig? Find out all of this and more in the YES Network's Yankeeography
on Lou Gehrig!
Jonathan Eig recently released Luckiest Man, a Lou Gehrig biography. Highly
William Kashtus, Lou Gehrig: A Biography. Released in fall 2004. For
adult audience.
Lou Gehrig (Baseball Hall of Famers) Robert Greenberger.
Another book in a series of Hall of Famers biographies for ages 9-12. Reserve your copy

Buy this CD!
2003 was the 100th anniversary of Lou Gehrig's birth. In celebration, renowned storyteller Carol Birch has released
her version of Gehrig's life story on CD, Lou Gehrig: The Story of a Great Man (shown above). An incredible value
at list price $16.95!
Pride of the Yankees (DVD) - This is THE most sought-after Gehrig
movie and one of the classic baseball movies.
David Adler, Lou Gehrig: The Luckiest Man
Amazing picture book. The best book for the littlest of Gehrig fans. Look up Kaden's full review of this
book in Library o' Gehrig. List price $6.00.
I'm interested in Adler's book
Ray Robinson, Iron Horse: Lou Gehrig in His Time
THE essential Gehrig biography. Look up Kaden's full review of this book in Library o' Gehrig. List price $13.50 (paperback).

VHS: Lou Gehrig: In a League by Himself
One of few video biographies about Gehrig. List price $4.99.

VHS, Yankee Sluggers
Gehrig is, of course, mentioned in with this crowd. List price $9.98.
I'm interested in this video

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