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Your request found 7 items:

* indicates how helpful book was when researching MoreGehrig
OP/H = out-of-print and/or hard to find
$ = pricey ($20+)
Listed in alphabetical order by director or title.

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Baseball's Greatest Legends - Yankee Sluggers. VHS.
Age: General
No review yet of this source (planning to order).  Available in Shop MoreGehrig

OP/H $ Cook, Fielder, dir. A Love Affair: The Eleanor and Lou Gehrig Story. 1978. VHS, color.
Age: General
No review yet of this source (on wish list). Made-for-TV movie adapted from Eleanor Gehrig's My Luke and I (see review below). Used copies online hover in the $30 range.

OP/H Lou Gehrig: In a League by Himself. VHS.
Age: General
No review yet of this source (on order). Incredibly cheap and easy to find online, but Ive been waiting for my copy from Amazon for over 2 months (its on backorder).

OP/H **Lou Gehrig Story. VHS. Millennia Entertainment, Inc.
Age: General
No review yet of this source (have not found a copy). Black and white film. Hosted by Bob Hope.

Lou Gehrig Video Baseball Card. VHS. Rotfield Video, Inc.
Age: General
No review of this source.

OP/H Taylor, Ray, dir. Rawhide. 1938. VHS.
Age: General
A urban-cowboy flick starring Gehrig, with Smith Ballew. Face-wrinkling awful, but it's cheap, and you can see and hear Gehrig. Interestingly enough, Rawhides online sales rank is nearly as high as A Love Affair's (20,000+); the only problem is that actually obtaining a copy is tiresome (Ive been waiting for my copy from Amazon for over 2 months).

OP/H $ Wood, Sam, dir. The Pride of the Yankees. 1943. VHS.
Age: General

Buy your DVD in Shop MoreGehrig  You're not a Gehrig fan if you haven't seen this movie. Still available in some video rental stores and online shops/auctions, finding a copy for sale is easy, but the price to-be-paid is substantial (upwards of $40). Considered by many to be one of the all-time best baseball movies. Gary Cooper plays Gehrig, even though pretty-boy could not throw or hit a baseball; Babe Ruth also appears as himself (yippee). Teresa Wright plays Eleanor Gehrig. Shows a very human side to Gehrig; Cooper and Wright get slightly jiggy with it at one point. Reportedly, Gehrig's voice is used during the farewell speech scene. One of my favorite things about this movie is how it butchers the myth that Babe hit a homerun for a hospitalized boy by showing Gehrig as the true hero to the little boy.  Buy your DVD version of Pride of the Yankees in Shop MoreGehrig

Compiled by S. Kaden