Kaden's passion for sharing the legacy of Lou Gehrig is second to none. Her writing
paints a complete portrait of the man (both on and off the field) and is also a wonderful source of information for baseball
fans everywhere. MoreGehrig has quickly become one of our new favorites and we anxiously look forward to reading Kaden's upcoming
book on the Iron Horse.
Michael Aubrecht The Pinstripe Press https://www.angelfire.com/ny5/pinstripepress/IronHorse.htm
I just wanted to say what an interesting site this is. I will bookmark
it. I have been a Lou Gehrig fanatic for almost 26 years or so. My only child was born on October 10, 2002 and we
named him Gehrig Daniel after Lou and my Dad. Each individual inspired my love of baseball. I felt it would be
a tribute to Lou Gehrig to link his name to life and not just death. Sincerely, Matt
I enjoyed the information on your site. In reference to The Left and Write of Lou Gehrig I have another reason why theory 2 is incorrect: Men's suit jackets always button left over right, proving that the
main picture in question has not been flipped. Thanks.
Excellent stuff about the greatest First Baseman in MLB History! He was
an extraordinary player and even more remarkable human being.
Peter Colford
I would like to thank all of you for this web page of a famous person. This
help my child's fourth grade class. Thank you.
Mont Honaker
I love your site!
I love baseball and your site is excellent, keep up the great work! Kevin
Dear Kaden, I was thrilled to be shown you website by our local children's
librarian (I checking out David Adler's book at the time). The librarian's maiden name was Gehrig and she was more than happy
to help me.
This is a wonderful, well-researched, well-written website that I've really
enjoyed exploring -- a rare gem that actually goes beyond the statistics and the superficial trivia that most baseball buffs
know. Lou Gehrig has been my favorite player since I first became a hardcore baseball fan -- 1995 -- and perhaps is the reason
I got into baseball to begin with.

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