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Gehrig and Kaden

We choose our heroes based a lot on how much we can see ourselves in them, or vice versa.  I see a number of connections between Gehrig and myself.  Some are exactly the same, and others are close enough to be called similarities.

Born June 19
2nd of 4 children
both parents German Lutheran
thick brown hair, blue eyes
given a family name
mamma's boy
grew up with stickball
ML jersey # 4
played outfield, pitcher, 1st base
batted .444 in college
shy and standoffish
extracurricular activities:
basketball, ice skating, reading
overcame social and finanacial limitations to succeed on a national and historical level

Born June 23
2nd of 2 children
both parents German Lutheran
thick brown hair, blue eyes
given a variation of a family name
grew up with Wiffleball
high school varsity jersey # 4
played outfield, catcher, 3rd base
batted .444 in high school
introverted but personable
motto: "If it ain't perfect, try harder"
extracirricular activities:
baseball, basketball, reading, writing
former farm girl fighting to make a name for herself

My hero, my Gehrig