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Stuff that ONLY MoreGehrig has:

MoreGehrig is unique in itself, but the cherry on the sundae is the exclusive information this site -- and only this site -- has to offer to you.
Library o' Gehrig The most exhaustive *free* list of biographies, baseball anthologies, videos, creative writing, periodical articles, etc. about or featuring Lou Gehrig (some available for purchase online).
Personal Gehrig Stories MoreGehrig readers write about their relationship to Gehrig.
The Memorial Wall The only place on the Web that Gehrig fans can write their respects to Lou Gehrig.
Little-Known Gehrig Facts What some biographies don't tell you.
Editorials MoreGehrig mastermind, Kaden, digs up stuff on Gehrig that no one else has, including the stadium where he played his last game, whether he was truly left-handed, an all-out comparison to Cal Ripken Jr., and why a Hollywood boy was a bad choice to read Gehrig's retirement speech.

"I miss you today, I love you." - Lou Gehrig, telegram to his wife.